Résumé Biographic

Born in 1988 in Hungary, I passed my GCE in the Zoltán Kodály Primary and Secondary School in Budapest in 2007. The same year I was admitted to the Sculpture Studies of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts (HUFA). Here I did my studies under the guidance of Professor Zoltán Karmó. Several of my works were selected for collective exhibitions in my student years. Since 2008 I have had works regularly exhibited at the Particum Fine Arts Biannual of Szolnok and in 2012 I was elected as member of the Szolnok Fine Arts Association. Between 2008 and 2014 I regularly attended the Nagyatád Wooden Sculpture Art Colony. In 2011 I was invited to the 8th Steel Sculpture Symposium in Kecskemét. Since 2014 I have been a founding member of the Szolnok Bronze Casting Symposium. In 2013 I was granted MA degree in sculpture and was awarded the Tamás Vigh Prize “for the best HUFA sculpture graduate of the year”. In the same year I was accepted as member to the Hungarian Sculpture Association. From 2014 I did my postgraduate DLA studies in sculpture at the University of Pécs, Hungary, where I attained the absolutory in 2017. My thesis work on the East-West divide of intercultural space and the unity of sculpture art was defended summa cum laude in 2021. In 2021 I was granted the Gyula Derkovits Fine Art Scholarship and the award of the Association of Hungarian Sculptors at the 5th Sculpture Art Biennale. In 2022 I received the scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Arts, and the “Searching for T-Art” award from the T-Art Foundation.
In my sculpture work in general and in my doctoral research in particular, I have been exploring synthetic approaches to Western and Eastern art traditions. While such explorations have been motivated by my personal experience in European and Japanese cultures, it has also been inspired by broader inter-civilizational encounters. My primary focus has been on new interferences in Western and Eastern aesthetic perspectives. In my view a sculpture work inevitably implies an existential interpretation orienting the self-awareness of its observer on the contemporary horizon of cultural diversity.
- 2014-2017 University of Pécs, Doctoral School of the Faculty of Music and Visual Arts, DLA studies, Guidance Professor Tamás Gaál
- 2007-2013 Hungarian University of Fine Arts, MA Sculpture Studies, Guidance Professor Zoltán Karmó
- 2022 “Searching for T-Art” award from the T-Art Foundation
- 2022 Hungarian Academy of Arts Scholarship
- 2021 Gyula Derkovits Fine Art Scholarship
- 2016 Garden Gallery Prize of The Art Colony of Szolnok
- 2013 Tamás Vigh Prize for the best sculpture graduate of the year
Public Square Statue
- 2014 Floating Fuji, Zalaszentgrót, accomplished with sculptor Tamás Gilly
Individual Exhibition
- 2021 “Sound is silence itself”, Art 9 Gallery, Budapest
- 2020 “Kire-tsuzuki, Unity of Change and Continuity”, Great Hall of Arts, Budapest (individual hall in the exhibition ‘Simultaneously’)
- 2018 “Neither this, nor that, both of them, none of them”, with Tamás Gilly sculptor, Karinthy Salon, Budapest
- 2017 “Summa”, Parthenon-frieze Hall, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest
- 2017 “Koan”, Parthenon-frieze Hall, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest
- 2017 “Common Denominator”, with Tamás Gilly sculptor, Ferenc Juhász Culture Hall, Biatorbágy
- 2013 “Boundary Signs”, Barabás Villa, Budapest XIIth District Self-government
Selected Collective Exhibitions
- 2022 IXth Szolnok Bronze Casting Symposion, Damjanich János Museum, Szolnok
- 2022 “Searching for T-Art”– young artists exhibition on the occasion of Hungarian Painting Day, Budapest
- 2022 Art Market Budapest, Budapest
- 2022 Vásárhely Autumn Exhibition, Tornyai János Museum, Hódmezővásárhely
- 2022 “Gone Viral”, in cooperation with the Youngart Online Gallery, Collegium Hungaricum Wien, Wien
- 2022 “Gone Viral”, in cooperation with the Youngart Online Gallery, Képező Gallery, Budapest
- 2022 Fine Art Hungary – Art of the Year 2022 online auction, in cooperation with Artotek Online Gallery, Gallery Max, Törökbálint
- 2021 Infinitive, in memory of János Pilinszky, Esernyős Gallery, Budapest
- 2021 VIIIth Szolnok Bronze Casting Symposion ,Damjanich János Museum, Szolnok
- 2021 V. Sculptor Biennale, Művészetmalom, Szentendre
- 2021 Patinated present, the exhibition of the Szolnok Bronze Sculpture Symposium, B32 Gallery, Budapest
- 2021 Exhibition of the Gyula Derkovits Fine Art Scholarship grantees
- 2020 Steel Stories, Selection from the steel sculptures of the K-ARTS Art Collection, REÖK Palace, City of Szeged
- 2019 Bauhaus 100, Vasarely Museum Budapest
- 2018 Vth Szolnok Bronze Casting Symposion, Aba-Novák Culture Center, Szolnok
- 2018 Fine Form Art 10, Kunstraum Wild, Munich (München)
- 2017 Ramp, Buda Castle, Budapest
- 2017 IVth Szolnok Bronze Casting Symposion, Aba-Novák Culture Center, Szolnok
- 2017 Exhibition of Szolnok Fine Arts Association, Aba-Novák Culture Center, Szolnok
- 2017 DLA, Nádor Art&Med Culture Center, Pécs
- 2017 3D-2017, Exhibition of the Hungarian Association of Sculptors, Old Art Colony of Szentendre
- 2016 Sculpture Park of Stefánia Palace, Autumn Exhibition, Budapest
- 2016 IIIrd Szolnok Bronze Casting Symposion, Aba-Novák Culture Center, Szolnok
- 2016 Exhibition of Szolnok Fine Arts Association, Aba-Novák Culture Center, Szolnok
- 2016 "Catachresis", Nádor Art&Med Culture Center, Pécs
- 2015 II. Szolnok Bronze Casting Symposion, Aba-Novák Culture Center, Szolnok
- 2015 I. National Statuette Quadriannual Exhibition, Modern Hungarian Gallery, Pécs
- 2015 Here and Now, Fine Arts National Salon, Budapest
- 2015 From the Intimate to the Public Sphere, ArtMill, Szentendre
- 2015 Exhibition of Szolnok Fine Arts Association, Gallery of Szolnok, Szolnok
- 2015 DLA Intro II., Republic Gallery, University of Pécs
- 2015 DiLemmA, m21 Gallery, Zsolnay Cultural Quarter, Pécs
- 2014 XIIIth Zalaszentgrót Symposion, final exhibition, Castle Gallery
- 2014 VAStagok, Vértes Agora, Tatabánya
- 2014 Particum Biannual, Szolnok
- 2014 I. Szolnok Bronze Casting Symposion, Aba-Novák Culture Center, Szolnok
- 2014 DLA Intro II., Republic Gallery, University of Pécs
- 2013 Plein Art Festival of Contemporary Artists, Budapest
- 2013 Generations, exhibition of the Hungarian Sculpture Association, Erlin Galéria, Budapest
- 2013 Exhibition of Szolnok Fine Arts Association, Gallery of Szolnok, Szolnok
- 2013 Best of Diploma, MKE Barcsay Hall, Budapest
- 2013 Art Market, Budapest
- 2012 Plein Art Festival of Contemporary Artists, Budapest
- 2012 Festival of Hungarian Sculpture Art, Budapest
- 2012 Exhibition of Szolnok Fine Arts Association, Gallery of Szolnok, Szolnok
- 2012 Atád Winter, MKE Barcsay Hall
- 2011 Steel Sculptural Symposium, Kecskemét
- 2011 IV. Particum Biennial, Szolnok
- 2011 Falk Art Forum, Budapest
- 2011 Balassi Intézet, Budapest
- 2011 Art Moments, Budapest
- 2011 Art Market, Budapest
- 2010 XII. District Self-government Headquarters, Budapest
- 2010 Sculpture in Architectural Space, Parthenón-fríz Hall, Budapest
- 2010 Ludwig Scholarship Competition, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Barcsay Hall, Budapest
- 2010 Falk Art Forum, Budapest
- 2010 Art Market Budapest, Krisztina Palace Center
- 2009 N&N Galery, Budapest
- 2009 III. Particum Biennial Open-air Exhibition, Szolnok
- 2009 Falk Art Forum, Budapest
- 2009 Amadeus Competition, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Barcsay Hall, Budapest
- 2008 Parthenon-frieze Hall, Budapest
- 2022 Szolnok Bronze Symposion / IX.
- 2021 Szolnok Bronze Symposion / VIII.
- 2018 Szolnok Bronze Symposion / V.
- 2018 Miszla Art Symposion
- 2017 Szolnok Bronze Symposion / IV.
- 2016 Szolnok Bronze Symposion / III.
- 2015 Szolnok Bronze Symposion / II.
- 2014 Zalaszentgrót Symposion / XIII.
- 2014 Szolnok Bronze Symposion / I.
- 2013 Nagyatádi Art Settlement
- 2011 Nagyatádi Art Settlement
- 2011 Kecskeméti Acélszobrászati Symposion / VIII.
- 2008 Nagyatád Art Settlement